Home » Edição 8-2022 » Edição » Imprint terraHORSCH



is the international customer magazine of

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH
Sitzenhof 1
DE-92421 Schwandorf
Tel.: +49 9431 7143-0
Fax: +49 9431 7143-9200

Responsible for the content: Cornelia Horsch
Edited by: Johannes Hädicke

Articles: Camille Blandin, Ty Brown, Johannes Hädicke, Cornelia Horsch, Jeremy Hughes, Theresa Mantel, Anders Niléhn (Agrar i Kristianstad), Beatrix Reißig (Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft)
Photos: Archive HORSCH, Photographie Petra Kellner, adobe stock, Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft, Jean Fil, Ty Brown, Johannes Hädicke, GV Hardegg, Zoltan Kurunci, Anders Niléhn (Agrar i Kristianstad), Swedish Agro Machinery
Translations: English: Heike Wolf; French: Stéphane Proust, Pascale Scirocco; Polish: Barbara Dudkowski; Russian: Vyacheslav Veklenko, Ukraininan: Halyna Bilchenko, Hungarian: Axial Kft., Portuguese: Arno Dallmeyer, Czech: Chicory s.r.o., Slovakian: Marian Kukučka, Serbian: YU-DNI d.o.o., Croatian: Jerkovic d.o.o

terraHORSCH is published twice a year in the following languages: German, English, French, Croatian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Czech, Ukrainian and Hungarian

The photos included in the magazine were taken in due consideration of the Covid-19 statutory preventive measures.