Growth that connects – step by step to a machine package made by HORSCH
The farm of the Sonnenfroh family is situated in the east of the Swabian Alb in the district of Heidenheim. The parents are full-time farmers. Son Alexander and his wife Verena support them on the farm.
The farm is a mixed farm with arable farming, grassland and dairy farming. Rotation consists of winter wheat, spelt, brewing barley, winter barley, maize and rape. Brewing barley is attractive due to the regional marketing opportunities but also plays a major role with regard to the feed supply for the dairy farm.
The farm started to grow some years ago. To be able to cultivate the increased arable area efficiently, the Sonnenfroh family invested in professional machines for arable farming. Among them a Terrano 4 FX, an Express 3 KR and this year they bought a state-of-the-art crop care sprayer, a Leeb 4 AX.
terraHORSCH: Mr Sonnenfroh, how did you come across HORSCH and what were the first experiences with our technology?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: About ten years ago, after my vocational training, I joined the family farm. At that time, we started to think about larger working widths and more robust machines for the first time. Another important point was the flexibility resp. the adaptability of the machines to different weather conditions. If you want to achieve an optimum hectare output at work peaks, the machines have to be reliable and easy to adjust.
First, we informed us about different manufacturers and the equipment of the machines. On the occasion of a demonstration nearby we learned about HORSCH. Among other machines a Terrano was presented. We immediately noticed the work result and the compact and robust design.
We then were able to test the cultivator during a demonstration on our premises and we were impressed by the perfect mixing effect and the low fuel requirement. Compared to our previous model, the Terrano is more flexible in use and the working depth can be adjusted more easily. Due to the low horsepower requirement, the fuel consumption decreased significantly. Whether stubble cultivation or seedbed preparation – we need less fuel.
If we had to buy a new or even a second cultivator, it would definitely by a HORSCH Terrano.

terraHORSCH: What are challenges on your farm?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: On our farm, we have field sizes ranging from approx. 0.4 to 6 ha. The average field size is 1.5 to 2 ha. With regard to our dairy farm and the fact that I can only help part-time, we need efficient and reliable machines. And with our 4 m cultivator and the professional rotary harrow combination farmer we are well set. Especially in wet or dry years we need machines we can adapt universally. We can for example mount different tines at our cultivator depending on the conditions of the soil.
terraHORSCH: Moreover, you use an Express 3 KR on your farm. How did the machine convince you?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: On the occasion of a BayWa field event five years ago we got to know other HORSCH machines, among them seed drills and crop care sprayers. At this event, an Express 3 KR was presented. My father immediately liked the Express and its work result. So we decided to test it ourselves.
I have to admit that I was rather sceptical at first, especially because of the weight of the machine. But after we saw the Express KR in the field and the emergence, I, too, was convinced. The easy adjustment of the sowing depth and the coulter pressure motivate to get off the tractor while sowing and to check and optimise the adjustments.

terraHORSCH: Autumn 2022 in South Germany was characterised by precipitations. How do you remember this sowing season?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: At first, the sowing conditions were too dry, then much too wet. This is probably due to the increasing weather extremes everyone is talking about. With our Express we again achieved an excellent emergence. For the last fields, however, we slightly modified the machine. We removed the press wheels of the double disc coulter and thus, we were able to sow much longer. The sowing performance was not perfect but from a certain calendar week you do not want to take a risk and you are happy for every hectare that is sown.
terraHORSCH: With the Express KR you among others also sow spelt?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: Yes, exactly. When sowing spelt, we mainly use cleaned spelt, but sometimes also spelt with husks. Some years ago, especially for this crop, we retrofitted our machine with the spelt kit resp. the spelt pneumatics. It works really well unless the spelt quality is insufficient. In this case, the machine reaches its limits. Unfortunately, we made this experience this year. I also sowed some fields as a contractor and in those cases the seed came directly from the pre-filter of the combine. This made sowing more difficult. For sowing spelt with husks stands and falls with seed quality. Fortunately, this has been an isolated case so far.
terraHORSCH: Which packer do you use for your Express KR?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: We use the large tooth packer roller with a diameter of 64 cm. When we bought the machine some years ago, we were told that it was suitable for all condition. And we can really confirm this. The carrying capacity of the packer has a positive effect on the horsepower requirement and thus on the diesel consumption. Another advantage of the slightly heavier machine is the wide range of work. Whether it is dry or wet or whether you sow shallowly or deeply it always guarantees an optimum consolidation and an excellent seedbed placement.
In wet conditions, especially when sowing late in autumn, the scrapers are worth their weight in gold. They reliably clean the packer and guarantee a long sowing window. When the neighbours go home, we can still go on sowing for some hours without any problems. And despite the adverse conditions achieve an excellent and even emergence.
terraHORSCH: This year, you bought a crop care sprayer for your farm?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: Yes, the sprayer was delivered this autumn – so it still is new. We want to continue to optimise farming and become even more efficient. Therefore, we decided to invest in a HORSCH sprayer. We have been observing the Leeb crop care technology and the boom control system for quite some time. So the decision to buy a Leeb 4 AX was easily taken. We had it equipped with a 21 m special boom that folds to 15 m. This will be an enormous advantage on our small fields.
terraHORSCH: Why did you go for a HORSCH sprayer?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: We decided to buy a trailed sprayer again as we already had good experiences with the trailed version. In addition to the advantage that mounting and dismounting it is very simple, we attach major importance to the fact that a trailed sprayer with a large tank capacity can be operated with a small, light tractor. After some training, the trailed sprayer proved to be very manoeuvrable on our small-structured farm and with a little experience you can perfectly manoeuvre in every corner. Another important factor for our purchase decision was a good boom control system to further optimise the crop care sector on our farm. And the Leeb technology really convinced us. The boom remains smooth even at higher operational speeds. With this technology we can drive very close to the population without any problems. Thus, we can work more precisely than in the past. Due to the higher efficiency, we use the optimum spraying date. This in turn results in even more efficiency and saving potential. We operate the sprayer with a 130 hp tractor. With our dealer, the BayWa Bopfingen, we installed a GPS antenna to use the automatic section control via the HORSCH Terminal. We very much appreciate that together with the BayWa we found a simple and compatible solution for our existing tractor. Another important reason for buying the sprayer was that we are very happy with our other HORSCH machines. The good and reliable relationship with our dealer on site, of course, also played a role in this decision.

terraHORSCH: Which nozzle equipment and nozzle control did you choose?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: With regard to the nozzle control we opted for a triple manual nozzle holder. We use a 0.3 double flat jet nozzle as with those nozzles the application rate can be below 200 l/ha. It is our aim to optimise wetting. In this respect, of course, pressure is essential, and it also depends on the chosen nozzles. The idea behind it was to use plant protection agents as sustainably as possible to go easy on the environment and also on the wallet. We use the LED boom lighting to spray at the optimum time. Thus, we can work in the evening or at night. Other options like edge nozzles and SectionControl are important assets for an efficient use as well as the larger tank capacity compared to our previous model.

terraHORSCH: What is your summary?
Alexander Sonnenfroh: The machines are in line with our farming strategy and are very reliable. Except for some spare parts there were no repairs – a fact that clearly speaks for the quality of the machines. We also are very happy about the good relationship to our sales and service partner. When we had questions with regard to a new machine especially during the first days they always helped with words and deeds. Over the years we settled on this partnership and on further HORSCH machines. Thus, we are well prepared for the structural change and the weather extremes and can farm our fields optimally. Always with the objective to work as precisely and as exactly as possible to run our farm as sustainably and as efficiently as possible.