Dear readers

We are very happy that since April we finally have been able to enjoy more personal contacts and to exchange experiences directly with you. This once again shows how valuable personal contact is. And it also shows that we cannot solve everything digitally. This is why the terraHORSCH will continue to inform you about news from different continents – as usual in print.
During Covid 19 we often had the feeling that the world stopped, but it has developed further and even in a new way, with regard to several topics and possibly even outpaced itself. And we as a company but also as human beings now have to try to understand this world again.
After Brexit, the pandemic and now even the war between the Ukraine and Russia there are completely new challenges we would never have dreamt of 3 months ago.
We have seen quite a lot of things in our company history, but so far never this frequently and to such an extent. Explosion of the energy and supplier prices, a general scarcity of supplier parts, delivery chain problems… accompanied by a constantly increasing inflation. People have less and less money at their disposal, some are getting more and more afraid. But with all these turbulences we must not forget our most important issue which we bear responsibility for – with regard to the world population, but also with regard to our next generation: the climate.
In this issue of terraHORSCH, we are talking about a lot of these current topics. Enjoy your reading.
Cornelia Horsch