is the international customer magazine of
HORSCH Maschinen GmbH
Sitzenhof 1
DE-92421 Schwandorf
Tel.: +49 9431 7143-0
Fax: +49 9431 7143-9200
Responsible for the content: Cornelia Horsch
Edited by: Johannes Hädicke
Articles: Pawel Baurycza, Camille Blandin, Sophia Bleyer, Zsanett Borbely, Anne Ehnts-Gerdes, Johannes Hädicke, Cornelia Horsch, Jeremy Hughes, Brett Petch, Melanie Söllner, Josef Stangl, Josef Stangl 2, Simon Wyatt
Photos: Archiv HORSCH, Agrartechnik Vertrieb Sachsen GmbH, Hugh Dietrich (privat), © dlv Philipp von Rössing, Anne Ehnts-Gerdes, Elicit Plant, Le Guardian, Johannes Hädicke, IPCC, Peter Jack (Muddy River), András Kovács (privat), Ivett Kürti, Rainer Möhl (privat), Andrzej Paszota (privat), James Peck (privat), Brett Petch, Tomáš Rypota, Simon Wyatt
Translations: English: Heike Wolf; French: Camille Blandin, Stéphane Proust, Pascale Scirocco; Polish: Barbara Dudkowski; Russian: Vyacheslav Veklenko, Ukraininan: Halyna Bilchenko, Hungarian: Axial Kft., Portuguese: Arno Dallmeyer, Czech: Chicory s.r.o., Slovakian: Marian Kukučka, Serbian: YU-DNI d.o.o., Croatian: Grapak d.o.o.
terraHORSCH is published twice a year in the following languages: German, English, French, Croatian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Czech, Ukrainian and Hungarian The magazine and all its articles and illustrations are protected by copyright. Any utilisation outside the limits fixed by the copyright act is illegal without the approval of the publisher.
Production & Graphic Design: Beckmann Verlag GmbH & Co KG, Lehrte
Print: Frischmann Druck und Medien GmbH, Amberg